Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Historic Menger Hotel

Coming to you live from the historic Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas!  Whew.  It’s been a heckuva December.  My dad had his second bit of surgery in two months, and being an excellent daughter, I was there for waiting room detail.  We had school right up until the edge of the Christmas holiday- just a weird result of how the calendar worked out this year.  Christmas Day was a Monday, so they let us out on early release the Friday before.  Out at 1:30 on the 22nd isn’t exactly the easiest time for teachers to get things ready, wrap gifts, decorate the house or bake a single freakin’ cookie.  I know, most folks think teachers have it pretty easy, but guess what?  We get used to having two weeks off at Christmas, and when they don’t hit just right, we notice.  

We hosted Christmas Eve for my side of the family at our house, followed by Christmas Day at Cas’ brother’s house and a very small but lovely wedding at Cas’ mom’s house later that week.  She finally married the man she’s spent the past few decades with, and by golly, it was pretty sweet.  

But pile all of that into a month with work and life and everything else, and you earn yourself a little vacation.  Cas and I don’t give each other tangible gifts- at least not that often, and when we do, they’re usually toys or treats.  Never really jewelry or perfume or something.  This year, we gave each other a trip to San Antonio for New Year’s Eve.  We just checked in to the Historic Menger Hotel, but our room wasn’t ready right on time, so they gave us a pair of vouchers for free drinks at the Menger Bar.  We were going to go there anyway.  It’s absolutely riddled with history.  The whole darn hotel is, in fact.  More on that later.  

But we just got here, and we have dinner on the Riverwalk tonight.  Tomorrow, we’ll remember the Alamo.  Again.  But that’s all you get for now.  We have to go have adventures!  Here’s to a celebration with just me and Cas, no weddings, hospitalizations or hosting family in our house.  Sure, the wedding and the family stuff was great; sure, the hospitalization worked out very well, but we need a little down time with just me and my guy and a city to explore!  Like I said, more later.  

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