Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Row your boat

Today's social distancing win: Kayaking.  We decided to head out on a lake and rent a pair of kayaks.  We checked out the White Rock Paddle Company today.  At the current time, they are open Wednesdays through Sundays, and the kayaks are $20/hour.  It was the perfect day and the perfect activity.  We've been feeling a little cooped up, lately.  I have been searching for a new job (just got one!) and Cas has been decompressing from the long semester.  We packed some bottled water, a ton of sunscreen and our really cheap baseball caps that we typically use on river floats.  We booked in advance, as their new business model demands, and we paid online.  The White Rock Paddle Company apparently changed its payment processes so nobody has to touch anything in order to do business.  

We got in our kayaks, wiped down the oars and roamed the lake for an hour and a half.  It was a really fun thing to do, and today was a beautiful day to do it.  The wind was in our faces on the way out, and the water was surprisingly choppy for a portion of the time.  We went out farther than the other folks who rented kayaks at the same time as us, and we saw a lot of pretty shores and a cool bridge.  We managed to take some water into our kayaks- thank God Cas keeps some ratty, old towels in his car.  

All in all, it was a pretty perfect activity if you need to stick around Dallas.  We're definitely going back to this rental company, and there is a pretty good chance we will check out other kayak rentals at different lakes before the summer is over.  We can both recommend this company- they have a great location and decent prices.  Do the reservations online from your computer, though.  Their interface is pretty tough to use, and it's worse from a phone.  

$19.99/hour + tax, not including gratuity

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