There was one really great thing at a spot in the museum building we both found impressive. One group had its sale items all laid out and priced on tables, with a lucite box nearby that had a slot in the top like a piggy bank. They were just trusting folks to put money in- nobody was minding the store. It probably worked, too, as it appeared to be a kind of charitable outfit. You’d have to be pretty low to steal from them.

Anyhow, we headed to the airport, and we found that we had a little extra time, so we stopped by the sculpture garden that is home to Spoonbridge and Cherry, an iconic Minneapolis landmark. When you’re near Minneapolis, and you’ve got about 30 minutes to fill, stop by and take a look. It’s a pretty cool collection of sculptures. And today, I learned that the cherry stem has a mist sprayer attached to the top. In all the photos I had seen of this sculpture, I had no idea there was any plumbing involved. It was both literally and figuratively cool.
After that, the day was largely about the tedious parts of travel. We had a flight back to Chicago, then from there to Boston. The Chicago flight went off without a hitch, but the Boston flight was delayed for an hour and a half, during which we were all seated on the airplane. It made me very happy that we had called the hotel to let them know we were arriving late. We told them we’d be in after 10. We arrived at 11:59, so I suppose we were on the level. The other thing I was really happy about? The box of breakfast bars I had stashed in my messenger bag. We had bought two different kinds in Chicago so we could have breakfast in the hotel room without much difficulty, and we had the leftovers with us on the delayed flight. We just finished the last few in the room, well after midnight. It’s not a perfect dinner, but it will do the job, and we’re both ready for our heads to hit the pillows.
So, it was a mostly good day with a lost hour and a half at the end, but it worked out, anyhow. Sometimes, delays happen, but we took off, landed safely, and had enough to eat. We’ll reboot and have a great day tomorrow. I mean, if you spend your time looking for things to be upset about, you’ll definitely find them. I’d rather be happy we made it and ready for tomorrow.
Here, again, is a link to the photo album, and with that, I’m out. Good night!
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