Monday, July 5, 2021

I’m told it’s pronounced: mohn-steh

If you go to Chicago and visit Wrigley Field, then you head over to Boston, I believe you’re required to see Fenway.  I suspect there is some kind of baseball rule about that.  Wrigley Field was built in 1914, but Fenway beat that by two years, coming in at 1912.  For a little historical context, that was the same year the Titanic sank, Woodrow Wilson was elected President and five years before the US entered into World War 1.  It’s been there a while.  I am so disappointed in the Texas Rangers, honestly.  The Ballpark I loved most of all and visited more times than I can count was in use by the team from 1994  until 2019.  Who builds a new thing to replace a perfect, beautiful thing after a short 25 years of use?  I’ll tell you one thing- it isn’t Boston.  We particularly enjoyed the one moment in the tour when we walked behind a mom and her little boy, both with really spot-on Boston accents, decked out in team gear.  The boy said he wanted to stay there forever.  His mom explained that you can’t do that, and as she spoke, she pronounced monster just like I knew she would.  The green mohn-steh.  The whole thing was perfect.  

We took the subway to Fenway, toured the grounds and stopped for a slice of pizza on the way back to our hotel.  It was a beautiful, sunny, perfect day.  It still is, in fact, but Cas and I have just about hit the halfway mark on this trip, so it’s laundry day.  With that, we are off, hopefully to locate a historically significant laundromat- or just a nice, clean one.  

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