Monday, March 11, 2024

In Spanish, it’s “El Sandwich”

Kind of a linguistic let down.  There are a few words I know of like that.  Cognates.  Brothers.  Fraternal twins, and occasionally, identical ones.  Hotel in Spanish is hotel.  Sweater=Sueter.  Pharmacy=Farmacia.  Not a tremendous amount of mystery.  So when I insisted that the first food I eat in Florida be a Cuban Sandwich, it was El Sandwich Cubano.  Not exactly breaking new linguistic ground, here.  

Regardless, I just had the best Sandwich Cubano I have ever had.  Certainly, it must have been a good deal more authentic than anything I happened to eat in Dallas.  There’s a fair chance that the woman who made it for me was an actual Cuban person.  

I have more to tell about the day, of course.  It was my first foray into Miami, and we arrived at our hotel on a path that took us through Little Havana.  Did you know that there are just sometimes random chickens in people’s front yards there?  And there was one rooster.  Oh, and I did manage to snap a photo of a roadside flower stand that also sold tires.  Or maybe it was a tire shop that sold flowers.  Hard to say.  But I digress.  More about my initial impressions of Miami later.  For today, know that the place is beautiful, the streets are pretty crowded and the hotel is very nice.  

Here is the photo album, as per usual. Fun fact: the Spanish word for normal is “normal.”  Ah, learning a new language is so enlightening!  

See you tomorrow as we travel to Key West.  Time to hit the hay- it’s an early start!  

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