Saturday, March 9, 2024

The mother of all clichés

It's spring break again, friends.  Time to pack a bag and head out of town.  If you close your eyes and think for a moment about a spring break spot, it wouldn't take too long for you to arrive in Florida.  It's the mother of all clichés.  In fact, I would love to see statistics about the impact of spring breakers on the overall Florida economy.  

I saw a story in the Dallas newspaper this morning about Miami Beach cracking down on spring breakers this year.  No public drunkenness.  More DUI checkpoints.  More law enforcement.  Less debauchery.  I doubt Cas and I are the intended target audience for these added layers of enforcement.  We're a couple of teachers spending part of a week off in Miami, seeing the Everglades and the Keys.  We're hardly an MTV reality show waiting to happen.  

So we leave Monday and return Thursday.  In the middle, there, we stay at a beautiful art deco hotel on South Beach.  We have a 60 minute airboat tour of the Everglades scheduled, racking up another national park on our list, and a full day trip to Key West.  We have a rental car booked, but we actually booked a bus to drive us to Key West and back.  Put that 10 hours of drive time on someone else.  Cas and I can watch a movie on an iPad or do a crossword or something instead of focusing on what may be a dull drive.  

We may spend the rest of the time eating Cuban sandwiches and lounging at the rooftop pool at our hotel.  Maybe we get a little beach time.  I do love parasailing when I can get to it.  It should be a good adventure.  We're there for three nights, and I am ready.  It's been a bit of a long week at school, so this is a welcome escape.  We'll pack a bag and get on the road.  Next time you hear from us, we'll be at our fancy-pants hotel.  See you there!  

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