Thursday, July 11, 2024

Gone fishin’

It’s nearly lunchtime, and here is a summary of our day so far, using only adjectives: confusing, amazing, sweaty, delicious, neat-o and fascinating.  

Mare information necessary?  Okay.  At 3:14 am, as we slept in our lodge-room, the smoke detector on the ceiling of the room went off.  It was just long enough to make us both suddenly awake, temporarily confused and moderately terrified.  Then it stopped.  That was the confusing part.  It was like nothing happened, but that didn’t keep me from spending the next 30 minutes wondering if  there was a forest fire nearby or if it was a carbon monoxide detector and we were done for.  

Nevertheless, we finally drifted back to sleep, waking up just in time to go on the bird-watching adventure this morning.  We got to the pier at the exact right moment to see the sun rise over the river.  That was awesome.  Then, it was off to do some bird-watching.  Confession time: I am bad at using binoculars.  I try, but I never aim them at the right spot.  That’s why it’s such a great victory when I finally use them effectively.  Points for me this morning, as I managed to see a few birdies through the magnified lenses.  It was a boat trip to their varied habitats along the river.  It’s just so cool that the normal way to get around here is to float to your destination.  I kind of feel like I have to pinch myself.  I was in Dallas running errands on Monday.  The bird watching was the amazing and sweaty part.

Then, it was time for breakfast.  The lodge where we’re staying asks about your next meal during the current one, so we ordered the pork omelets last night and enjoyed them this morning.  Delicious.  As for the neat-o, fascinating part, we just went fishing.  I’ve never been much for fishing, honestly.  I suspect if I needed to catch fish for sustenance, I would get good at it or go hungry, but in my life as I usually live it, I don’t need or want to fish much.  I gave it a go for a moment, because when am I ever going to get a chance to throw a line in the Amazon flippin’ river again?  Several people on our boat caught piranhas.  No joke.  Apparently, the trick is to bait your hook with meat and pull it up really fast.  I suppose there’s a learning curve, and we didn’t stick with it long enough.  No matter, we fished in the Amazon, and that was cool.  On the way out to fish and on the way back, we searched the river for dolphins.  There were a few hanging out near us in both directions.  

We’re sitting in the gathering spot at the lodge, drinking an Inca Cola (tastes like bubble gum) and relaxing.  It’s nearly time for lunch, then after that, we visit a Yagua village.  That is the name for the indigenous people in Peru.  I sincerely can’t believe it’s only Thursday.  We still have over two weeks left of this vacation.  Time to kick back, pop open another Inca Cola and take in the scenery.  Maybe we can head back to this hammock spot while we wait for lunch.  

Check out our amazing bird watching, dolphin chasing and fishing photos here: Behold,  The Photo Album 

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