Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Public Service Announcement

I am currently a walking, talking public service announcement to remind others about the importance of  sunscreen.  Look at my legs, and you’ll remember to grab your own tube of Coppertone.  Okay, okay- usually, I have to put on sunscreen to look out a window, but somehow, yesterday, I was very diligent about my arms, neck and upper body in general, forgetting just before our nature walk that I have legs, as well.  Ah!  The legs can get burned just as easily as the arms.  This concludes my public service announcement.  Wear sunscreen.

But to the rest of the story- we took a van to the water, hopped on a dinghy and rode out to the Santa Fe.  It’s a small yacht- in case I didn’t sound fancy enough.  We spent a few hours moving from one island to another (The Galápagos Islands are many- it’s a whole archipelago- and on the way, I suspect a good quarter of the folks in our group had some level of seasickness.  I know how to solve that for myself- just be in the open air and look to the horizon.  You’re all set.  Sadly, this doesn’t work for everyone, and the waters were pretty choppy.  Alas, we got to another island via the same dinghy (we dragged it behind us- that would have been a super-choppy ride) and walked around to discover sea lions, iguanas, crabs, birds and other critters.  It was very nice, and that sun was for real.  That’s when the sunburn really took form.  

After the nature walk, we had a chance to snorkel out in the ocean.  I felt like a dork with my floaty, but given my lack of strength as a swimmer, it was the right move.  I was never the swimmer.  You’re thinking of my older brother, Jeff.  I was the gymnast- a fat lot of good that did me with my snorkel…

But this time, I did okay.  The initial entry into the water was a little jarring and scary, and I did have a rather unique visual problem.  I have the beginnings of cataracts, so sometimes, I see little floaters inside my eyeballs.  I also used the recommended shampoo to keep the mask from fogging, and there were little floaters in the water in front of me.  My problem was determining which things I was seeing- in my eyes, my mask or the water.  Funny problem, if you ask me.  

But for now, we have to hit the road.  Another day on the Santa Fe awaits us.  On to the Blue-Footed Booby! 

 Check out Our Photo Album.

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